© 2009-2010 Gail Nobles

Milk Tracts

Friday, January 1, 2010

Trying to Help the Poor

Milkman Moby spreads the word of God, but he also spreads the message to people to help the poor. It was not always an easy job for him to get people together to donate. Moby watched people give lots of money in churches, and most of that money was used to build fancy churches to help the pastors. When he mentioned about gathering together to help the poor to the people, nobody was in a hurry to do a thing. Moby Jones Jr. thought, “Something is wrong.”

Moby also watched people feast away in the churches. The people ate and had great meals. He got funny looks whenever he mentioned, “Maybe we should have invited the poor.” The pastors of churches did not like Moby because they thought he made them look bad.

Moby stopped visiting the churches for help. He began to take the time at his home to do more praying to God. He looked up to heaven and asked God to help him do his will.