© 2009-2010 Gail Nobles

Milk Tracts

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Two Worlds

Tigerman was hated and feared by his great strength and appearance. The hair on his cheeks was kind of long and his skin was dark from the sun. Tigerman looked very hairy on his chest, hands, and arms. His hair looked like fur. Tigerman decided to make his home the jungle where he found peace and happiness. He would often visit his mother who lived in a small town. Tigerman was like a guardian angel to her and most women and children. He thinks the world is a very bad place to live, but he tries to make it a better place.

Tigerman learned many things from Lion the Gracious. He learned that he should not live in ungodliness and worldly lusts. Tigerman also learned that he should live soberly and righteously. But still, it was not always easy for Tigerman. He had a heart for a woman that was not living righteously. The woman that he loved was a good woman deep down on the inside, and Tigerman knew it. She was a woman that hung out at the clubs, she drank, and she was always fighting. But Tigerman knew that she was not happy doing those things. He watched the woman carefully when she was alone. The woman was very alone and hurt. Lion the Gracious warned Tigerman to stay away from the woman. But he disobeyed. Tigerman tried to make friends with the woman. The woman’s name was Crystal. Tigerman and Crystal became very close. But Crystal was trouble because of the bad company that she kept around her. She had a jealous boyfriend. Tigerman began to make a lot of enemies and his life was in danger. Crystal’s boyfriend and his friends began to set traps for Tigerman to fall in. But he would escape the traps every time. Crystal’s boyfriend’s name was Joe. Since he could not catch Tigerman, he made plans to have him killed. Tigerman could sense that he was about to be killed. So he left the little town he grew up in and went back to the jungle. 

Tigerman began to envy the other guys in the small town. He hated the hair that was on his body, and he envied the smooth skin that they had. Tigerman was longing to be with the one he loved. He needed Crystal’s affection. Tigerman began to roam around the jungle deeply depressed. Lion the Gracious was very worried about him. Tigerman said to him, “I belong in that small town. I came here to the jungle because I felt like I didn’t belong in that town. Not being able to see Crystal is going to drive me mad.”

Lion the Gracious thought to himself, “Boy, I told you that girl is nothing but trouble. But you must learn on your own.”  Lion the Gracious stayed silent. He would only listen to Tigerman. The only thing Lion could think of was to let Crystal visit the jungle, but he thought it was a bad idea. Trouble would only follow Crystal to the jungle.

Tigerman did not like it when Lion the Gracious did not have much to say. His silence bothered him. Tigerman asked, “What are you thinking, Lion?” Lion the Gracious said, “I’m just listening.”  Lion put his hands on Tigerman to pray and bless him. He knew that Tigerman would leave the jungle and go to the small town again.

© 2006-2010 Gail Nobles

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